Saturday, 4 February 2012

Blueberry Pancakes

Valentine's day always divides opinion. Some love it and some believe it's too commercial and cheesy. Why should you show appreciation for someone on one day of the year and not do it the rest of the time? Fair point. I'm kind of in the middle. Everyone wants to feel appreciated and if it has to be a particular day then so be it. However, I don't like the thought that you can just pick something up from Asda and hand it over while pretending that you put any thought in whatsoever. There needs to be a good balance between thought and expense. You need to show that you care or it's pointless. Valentine's cards have always freaked me out a little bit. It's difficult to get something right unless you've been together for years and know exactly what the other person views as over the top. Personally, I think a pretty card which is blank inside is fine. A cheesy poem is awful!

Anyway, I know that men get a bit lost around this time of year so here are a few things I've found that might make finding a present that little bit easier. They're all from John Lewis so you won't have to go far because they're all over the place and you can order online. I tried to find a variety of things for different budgets but they're all pretty obvious presents! My thoughts were that you can't go far wrong with any of these things if your girl is a traditional girlie type girl like me.

Molton Brown gift set £35
Lola perfume £41.85
Mulberry purse £150
Ted Baker purse £59
Fairy dust candle £8.50
Nails Inc set £25
Strawberry and Clotted Cream cookies £6
White tulips £55
If none of these things seemed appropriate then have a look on Not on the high street who do some more quirky gifts, including homeware and other things.

I could suggest as many things as I like but ultimately it depends on the girl. After all, it's the effort and the sentiment that counts. If you don't like Valentine's day then make sure you show your appreciation the rest of the time. You don't have to spend tons of money, be inventive!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I feel the same as you. I used to be anti Valentines, until I realised that being pro gets me more lovely little gifts!

    1. Oh it's not really about the gifts! Like I said, it's more about someone showing they care x


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