Thursday, 16 February 2012

Guinness cupcakes

This is officially my first cooking post. I've been meaning to post one for ages but I tend to get carried away with the cooking and forget to take any photos! I like seeing photos of the final product so this time I actually managed to take some as I went. I baked these cupcakes as part of a Valentine's day present and they went down quite well!

You will need:

350ml Guinness (about three quarters of a can)
120ml milk
120ml vegetable oil
1 tbsp vanilla extract
3 large eggs (beaten)
170ml sour cream
85g good quality cocoa powder (I used Bourneville)
170g granulated sugar
285g plain flour (you can use half and half with self raising if you want big bouncy cupcakes!)
1 and a half tsps baking soda
pinch of salt

This is what I did:

Preheat the oven to about 180C and put your cupcake liners into a tray.

Pour the Guinness, milk, oil and vanilla extract into a large mixing bowl and beat in the eggs one at a time. Then mix in the sour cream. These are your wet ingredients so don't worry if they're splooshing about in the bowl, they're supposed to!

In another large bowl, mix together the flour, cocoa powder, sugar, salt and baking soda. When properly mixed it will be a big bowl of brown chocolatey goodness.

Now mix this gradually into the wet ingredients.

Your mixture is done! It should be thick and gloopy. Now spoon the mixture into the cupcake liners up to about 3/4 full and put into the oven for 25 minutes.

After the 25 minutes is up, remove from the oven and put on a wire rack to cool.

I cheated a little bit with the icing of my cupcakes because I wanted to make sure they looked perfect. I used icing tubes from Asda (chocolate and white), white chocolate stars and pink sugar glitter.

Let me know if you give them a go!


  1. Mmm those look so good! I'm not a fan of beer though. I'd use vodka. ;)


  2. I don't like beer either. It was purely for the boy. I'm going to attempt to make some amaretto flavoured ones for myself! x

  3. Oh my gosh-- this is so hilarious! I don't even know why! This is so creative, and I feel like if I ever grew to drink beer, I'd probably do something like this all the time!

    Jessica | Vixenelle

    1. Hehe well I'm going to try and vary the flavours. I hate beer but I think some strawberry and white chocolate flavour would be much nicer xx

  4. These sound incredible! So moist and dark, I'm going to definitely have to make them this weekend:)

    1. Thanks, they were really nice and soft inside. Let me know how yours go! xx


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