Saturday, 5 May 2012

Waiting on the world to change

I posted earlier today about my film marathon and it is now complete. I can reveal the geeky truth... I was watching the final two Harry Potter films! I have wanted to watch them for a long time and no one has ever committed to a full HP marathon with me so I thought I'd just do it on my own. Equipped with strawberries and chocolate, I settled down in my duvet and have only just resurfaced. I'm impressed that I managed to go this long without anyone telling me what happened!

Anyway, here are a few little bits and pieces I've been adoring recently on Polyvore. Of course I can't buy any of them just now but I can have these boards as a little inspiration for a time in the (very distant) future when I do have some money to burn. I think you can probably click through to get to my Polyvore profile too if you're interested in seeing the other things I've been looking at.

plum by soffiek featuring a yellow shirt
Mulberry musings 2


Cute by soffiek featuring nude flats

The beauty of what was, what is, and what won't be.

I hope everyone is as excited about the long weekend as I am! Not that I'm doing anything exciting or glamorous but I'm looking forward to it all the same. You might think that today would be a bad day (as I've just had to fork out hundreds of pounds to fix my car) but no! I'm home, tucked under two duvets and ready to begin a film marathon. I would tell you which films but I'm keeping that under wraps until I've seen them. Don't want anyone to spoil the ending for me! I'm surrounded by strawberries and posh chocolate and I definitely can't see myself moving anytime soon.

A few things that are making me happy at the moment:

♥ Friends - of course they're top of the list! After an awesome weekend in Cardiff with some of the best people I know, I'm feeling more much positive about things. I'm so glad that we're all still close after so many years. Long may it continue! 

♥ Strawberries - I got three large punnets for £2 from the fruit stall. Bargain!

♥ Eton Mess chocolate from Hotel Chocolat. The lovely Louise gave us some goodies and I'm saving the Eton Mess until last - it looks AMAZING.

♥ The periwinkle nail varnish which I'm currently sporting. I've haven't really worn nail varnish recently as I've been feeling all down and rubbish but this colour has made me feel pretty again!

♥ Skinny Spaghetti dreamed up by the lovely Rose at The Londoner. I am an absolute pasta addict and really thought there was nothing which could change my ways. I came home one day wishing I could eat pasta but not feel bloated and horrible afterwards, went to check Rose's blog (which appears to be my new addiction) and there was this amazing recipe. It's simple, cheap and healthy - perfect.

♥ The Beyonce End of Time remix by Jimek - cannot stop playing it. Clip from Youtube - it appears to be full of lots of pictures of Jimek (the producer) but I can't complain. He's quite easy on the eye!

♥ Early mornings and sunny days. Maybe an odd one considering the weather we've had recently but I was up early today to sort my car out and the sunshine was exactly what I needed. It'll probably rain by the time I post this though!

Right, time for the film marathon to begin. Geek time!

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