Sunday, 22 April 2012

End of time

I'm off to V festival in August with the lovely Lauren and I'm already looking forward to it. I can't afford a holiday this year so the festival is my summer treat. It turns out that being an adult is pretty expensive and I can't just go and do whatever I want. Who knew? I'm keeping an eye out for festival attire and a few things caught my eye in Topshop this weekend when I went for a little browse. I don't normally go into Topshop as I think it's mostly overpriced and you can normally find the same thing somewhere else but something drew me in this time. Aztec style clothes were everywhere and I flitted about like an excited little bird as I picked things up to try on. Of all the patterns and colours, I find Aztec things the most flattering and easy to wear. Mostly monochrome, patterned but not 'loud' and it still looks quite different.

Below are a few things I'm going to be looking for similar versions of. There is no way I am paying £25 for some denim shorts when I could just make them myself! I'm trying to think about practical festival wear this year. Note: maxi dresses and festival toilets are not a good combination. I think the best plan is to layer EVERYTHING and that way I'm prepared for rain or shine. All of the items below are from Topshop - I was being lazy when putting this post together!

I'm not sure if I can still get away with wearing hi-tops but I think they look good on everyone at the moment so they had to go on my wishlist. Then I just thought lots of different tops, some plain shorts and accessories to keep me going. I love the belt although I don't know how bothered I would be to sort a belt out when I'm stuck in a tent feeling gross.

The rain outside is suggesting that my festival shopping might be a little bit early. Think I'll stick to films and ice cream for a while!

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