Sunday, 12 September 2010

 I LOVE this advert.

It's for the 'official treat provider' for the Olympics. Cadbury. Yes I know, it doesn't really make sense to have chocolate sponsoring a sports event but who am I to argue?!

It encourages you to join up to this website Spots vs Stripes and choose which team you want to be on. I chose stripes. Once you have signed up you can play games to get medals, prizes and money and your score gets added onto the teams score. Have a look if you've got time to spare and if you're a bit of a geek like me!

Go stripes :)


I've been rattling on about The xx for ages now and they've finally been recognised and have been awarded a Mercury Music Prize. I can listen to them and never get bored. If you don't know much about them then have a read of this interview in The Guardian and get on the ever increasing xx bandwagon. 

I love how shy and humbled they are after winning the prize. They all look so uncomfortable with all the attention and that just makes me love them more. All I listen to music for is the music. I'm not always bothered about the press hype and the stories surrounding artists. I love The xx because they make beautiful songs. 

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