Saturday, 16 June 2012

Style/Blog Crush #17: Ashley Madekwe

Since Desperate Housewives finished (small sob) I've been looking for a new TV series to love. I found my new obsession with Revenge and I can't wait for each new installment. If you haven't seen it then get yourself to 4OD quickly and catch up! It is pretty close to 90210 but it still has plenty of backstabbing and murderous intentions to keep you hooked. My favourite character by far is Ashley who is played by Ashley Madekwe. You might recognise her from Secret Diary of a Call Girl (another of my guilty pleasures). Not only do I get to swoon over her clothes in the programme but I recently discovered that she writes a fashion blog! I spent ages scrolling through it the other day and I thought it was only fair to share. If there was ever a reason for me to get fitter then this is it; the girl has incredible legs.

Ashley's blog is called Ring My Bell and features her daily outfits, make up snippets, giveaways and tips on where to buy other versions of her clothes. She's shot straight to the top of my favourite bloggers list! Here are some of her looks:

I had better stop there or I'll end up posting all of her pictures! She has the most incredible collections of shoes and handbags. Go and look at the studded leopard print heels - my absolute favourite.

Have a look at her blog here - Ring My Bell - and share in my new style crush.

1 comment:

  1. Hey,
    I found your blog because you follow Ashley’s blog (Ring my bell) and I thought I would check out a few other Bloggers that follow her. When I did i loved the fact you just blogged about her. She has great style and I really like yours as well. You have a awesome blog and this post is great, It would be cool if we could follow each other!
    If you have facebook, I would be so grateful if you could like my page:


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