Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Pieces form the whole.

 I think most people would agree that Stephen Fry is an absolute legend. Not only is he ridiculously intelligent, charming, self-deprecating and witty but he is also humble and speaks openly about his bipolar disorder. There should be more people like him in this world! His current tv series The Word is brilliant - particularly the episode 'Uses and Abuses' which looks at the way taboo and swearing feature in our lives. I've been watching back on iPlayer and laughing along with him but also feeling the need to ask more questions about society and language itself. I know I'm an English and Media teacher and I'm bound to be interested in this kind of thing but it genuinely is very interesting and the series covers so many issues and ideas that people need to think about. The Uses and Abuses episode  also looks at racism and homosexuality and how certain words can offend different groups. This is something I feel really strongly about and wish more people knew what is acceptable and what clearly isn't. Plus, hearing him try and speak 'hip hop' language is worth it just for that! Go and watch the wisdom of Fry as he swears his way through an hour of television. Follow him on twitter @stephenfry for some of his fantastic tweets. His latest one says: 'Apology and embarrassment are the twin pillars of British culture. We even apologise for apologising. Sorry about that.'

Talking of abuses, half term, halloween, bonfire night and Christmas are fast approaching. This can only mean lots of social events and the need to buy new clothes, hence heavily abusing my bank account. Tenuous?

I realise that my shopping could be seen as excessive by some but as I'm not addicted to anything else, I think it's acceptable. The only problem is that I hate shopping in busy places when people will basically wrestle clothes out of your hands and barge you out of the way. Internet shopping is my friend. I don't actually order from the internet all that often but I look online at shops first and then know what I'm looking for when I am brave enough to head into town. It stops me spending hours in there and also makes me less likely to buy random things I didn't have on my list. However, there are a few online shops that could definitely convince me to stay in and order clothes to my door...

Pretaportobello.com - This is one of my favourite online sites. I can always see something on there that I like and feel the need to save up for. I'm yet to actually buy something from there but it won't be long before I'm pulled in. I need that bag in my life.

Urban Outfitters- I know this is a high street shop but as far as I'm aware, there isn't one in Nottingham yet. I love their accessories and handbags but the shoes aren't really my thing! They're a bit big and clompy for my taste.

Another of my favourites (Yayer.co.uk) has some beautiful outfits at the moment. Stripy maxi dress and arrow necklace. LOVE.

The shopping has to take a backseat at the moment as I'm concentrating on a self improvement mission. This involves a variety of things that I've decided to do such as read more books (three new ones have just arrived in the post), watch more films (hello free lovefilm subscription), cook more (new cake tin avec mini santa and chocolate stars bought in preparation for a Christmas cake) and also just to do more things in general. I get bored if I have nothing new to accomplish so these are my mini missions for a while! I also rearranged my blog homepage when I was bored so if you've managed to navigate yourself here then hopefully it isn't too confusing...

I have been singing this song all week so I thought it was only fair that I inflict it on others.

Sunday, 16 October 2011


I get so excited about the seasons changing. I can't believe it's October and the days are so sunny and crisp. I'm sure that this time last year it was freezing and there was even some snow? Despite driving the wrong way down the M1 for the best part of an hour, I was loving the sunshine and actually didn't mind the fact that my satnav had decided it wanted to go to Leeds instead. It was only supposed to be a forty minute drive but who cares if you get a little bit lost on a sunny Sunday?

I drove to see my parents for a catch up and a giant roast dinner, courtesy of my amazing mum. She even made two different types of potato. I was in potato heaven! The long detour took place after I had been fed my weight in potato and chocolate cake so I will blame the food for my not entirely functioning brain.

One of my favourite things about the approaching winter time are the sunsets. The sky seems to be a different shade each night and I don't think I'll ever get bored of watching the sun melt into the clouds. I'm in a reflective mood today but as I'm not keen on the public overshare via a blog, here are some pictures: 

Friday, 7 October 2011


Friday has finally arrived. I've had a busy week and last weekend was so hectic and fun that I've only just caught up with myself again. Two nights out in row... what a rockstar. London was immense. Great to meet new people, catch up with some of my favourites and also meet up with some old friends too. It felt like being back at uni with sleepovers and bacon sandwiches in the morning. I'm really looking forward to a quiet weekend all by myself now though!

I only realised a few days ago that Facebook shares what music you're listening to now. Odd! I guess that means that everyone can see that I have Ed Sheeran on a constant loop and my obsession is out in the open. I cant help it but I am in love with his album. It actually surprises me that a man could write lyrics like that. He's romantic and cute without being whiny. James Blunt and Bruno Mars etc really grate on me but Ed Sheeran is different for some reason. It could be because he has the ginger factor! He looks like he would never deliberately upset someone!

The only time I don't like music on a loop is when I'm put on a hold to a company when they are charging me five pounds a minute. Especially when their playlist seems to consist of Cher Lloyd and One Direction. I seem to get increasingly angrier as time goes on and each time Cher mentions her 'swagger jagger' the more likely I am to give the person a mouthful when they finally answer the phone!

While I'm on about complaining I'll mention my Royal Mail rant. To make a long story short, my postman is rubbish, post isn't being delivered and there was trouble getting a package to my house. I moaned on twitter about Royal Mail (after trying the website and several phone lines) and they replied immediately, gave me a reference number and after a few emails they sorted the whole thing for me. Will definitely be using twitter in future to get through to companies!

When I'm not talking (which is often) then I'm looking at pictures. Here's my tumblr link.
Less words, more pretties.

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